OgStar can help your students
build essential reading skills.

See How OgStar Accelerates Student Learning & Engagement
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Chrome for Touchscreen Computer (or Computer with Plug-in Writing Pad Attached)
iOS for iPad
If you’re a school or district working to build students’ foundational reading skills with a research-based approach, OgStar Reading can provide needed support for your students and teachers. As a preventative tool, OgStar is used with all early readers in classrooms to ensure that all students benefit from direct, explicit, systematic instruction in foundational literacy skills. For remediation, OgStar is used to complement the structured literacy instruction delivered by support teachers. Students receiving Tier II or III interventions use OgStar during independent work times in class when the general reading instruction is inappropriate for them. Teachers easily assign lessons for students to complete independently and monitor student progress in the teacher portal. A quick live onboarding gets teachers started and support is available during school days. OgStar assists with family engagement as kids play OgStar for reinforcement at home and parents learn solid reading strategies. With various rostering and single sign-on capabilities, beginning your OgStar journey can be the easiest part of your literacy plan. Today is a great day to start improving literacy outcomes with OgStar.

Some of our District Partnerships:
Aleutians East Borough School District, AK
Allegany County Public Schools, MD
Baltimore County Public Schools, MD
Bloomsbury School District, NJ
Caroline County Public Schools, MD
Harford County Public Schools, MD
Jefferson County Public Schools, WV
​Newport Public Schools, RI
Prince George’s County Public Schools, MD
Shrewsbury Borough DOE, NJ
Stanley Community Schools, ND
Worcester County Public Schools, MD
Awards, Certifications, & More

Clever Certified

App Store Certified

Dyslexia Association Members

Business Plan Competition